Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lesson Plan for Reader Response

Lesson Plan
Reader Response Criticism:
Freddie, Julian, Nicole, Yanick

a) By the end of our presentation, students will be able to have a solid understanding of what reader response criticism is. Furthermore they will be able to identify key figures who theorized reader response and some of their theories behind reader response.
b) Students will be presented with background history of reader response in hopes of identifying the roots of this literary criticism.
c) Students will also be able to analyze a given text in the context of reader response.
d) Students will be presented with an interesting presentation which will hopefully keep them entertained and avidly participating.

a) Projector
b) Laptop
c) Notes
d) Internet

Our group will be conducting a very informative presentation (slide show) concerning reader response criticism. We will be presenting background information on reader response and how it has evolved over the years as well as bibliographies and theories of the father’s of reader response (Fish, Iser, Holland, Jauss). Student’s will also be asked to read several texts and analyze them using reader response criticism.

We will know when we have met our objectives when students are avidly participating in our presentation. We will also see that we have gotten through to the students when they are analyzing given texts using our literary criticism and they have a solid understanding of the theories behind reader response criticism.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Reader Response Criticism.

For our critical discourse aspect of this class, my group which is comprised of: Julian, Freddy, Nicole and I, we are doing the reader response criticism. I find this a very interesting topic because instead of focusing on the author's background to add literary value to a piece of work, it really focuses on the reader and his or her own experiences. Such factors as the reader's: class, gender, ethnicity could affect the way they look at a given piece of literature. A pretty good analogy of this method is the old saying: whether a tree falling in a forest makes a sound if no one is around to hear it. A book sitting on an old shelf does nothing. It really comes to life when the reader chooses to pick it up. Some theorists involved in reader response criticism are David Bleich, Jonathan Culler, Stanley Fish, Walker Gibson, Norman N. Holland, Wolfgang Iser, Walter Benn Michaels, Georges Poulet, Gerald Prince, and Michael Riffaterre.

Reader Response links:
1. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-reader-response-criticism.htm
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reader-response_criticism
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Iser
4. http://www.cnr.edu/home/bmcmanus/readercrit.html
5. http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/reader.crit.html
6. http://www.xenos.org/essays/litthry4.htm
7. http://www.ualberta.ca/~dmiall/FORMALSM.HTM
8. http://www.stthomasu.ca/~hunt/reader.htm
9. http://www.brocku.ca/english/courses/4F70/rr.php
10. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2316
11. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/Wellek/iser/index.html
12. http://social.chass.ncsu.edu/wyrick/DEBCLASS/iser.htm
13. http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0302/Iser_int.htm
14. http://prelectur.stanford.edu/lecturers/iser/

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Accountability Agreement.

Here is my accountability agreement. I will do my best to follow it and accomplish everything mentioned on it.
Accountability Agreement

1. Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?
For English this year, I have many goals set in mind. First of all, I would like to expand my essay writing skills. Secondly, I wish to further develop my ability to analyse any given piece of literature. Also, I would like for my consciousness to be raised in hopes of achieving a greater level of thinking. Finally I wish to be successful in completing this course and I would like to gain a lot of knowledge from it. Aside from English class, during this year I will also try to better myself physically and musically(drumming) and I will attempt to look at things in a different perspective.

2. Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?
To make the rest of the year enjoyable in and out of the classroom I will try to contribute as much as I can. In the classroom I will openly contribute to class discussions and give my two cents worth for the topic at hand. I will always bring a good hard working attitude that is ready to learn. Outside of the classroom, I will keep participating in various sports such as: Rugby and cross-country and I might partake in some clubs offered at the school. Aside from this I will try to make this year enjoyable for myself and those around me.

3. Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?
In this class, I believe that the behaviour that I can most be held responsible for is completing all of my work to the best of my ability in hopes of succeeding in this class. Also I can be held responsible for attending class and being punctual as well as coming to class prepared and ready to learn.

4. Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?
To reach my overall goals in this class I will not only have to work hard myself but I will need to seek assistance and support from those around me. Some people that can help are:
1. Mr Murray: If I am slacking or falling behind I expect Mr. Murray to push me and to kick me in the ass to get back on track.
2. My parents/siblings: they can contribute in helping me succeed by giving me a hand when I need one.
3. My friends: they can help me by supporting me through tough times.
4. Ms. Carr: She can help me if I need any extra input on assignments.

5. Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?
I will know what success looks like when I am content with the work I am handing in. Sometimes its not always about marks, its about seeing a mental improvement (but receiving good grades wouldn’t hurt).

6. Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?
If I succeed, I can be rewarded by maybe purchasing something that will make me feel good such as something related to drumming or maybe just having a good time with some of my friends. If I do not succeed I can be punished by removing things that distract me from succeeding such as: video games or spending useless time on the computer.

Another day, Another box of stolen pens.

Well here we are again, back to school. Summer was short, wet, interesting. We are back to the drawing board yet again for another exciting semester of english. This semester looks promising, with a lot of work. My classes this semester are: physics, biology, histoire and english, this should make for an enticing couple of months.
So far, we have gotten straight to business in english class. Mustapha Murray explained all of our assignements/projects for the semester and we are begining with lit crit. My group members are Julian, Nicole, Freddy and I. We are doing reader response critisim.
Of course, we can't forgot our infamous ISU's which are assigned to us every year. Read a book, write an essay... done. For my short ISU I will be reading Jack Hodgin's: The invention of the world. For my long essay, I will be attempting Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses. It will be a challenge but I'm sure I can manage it.