Sunday, September 7, 2008

Accountability Agreement.

Here is my accountability agreement. I will do my best to follow it and accomplish everything mentioned on it.
Accountability Agreement

1. Focus: What do you want to accomplish in this class or during this year?
For English this year, I have many goals set in mind. First of all, I would like to expand my essay writing skills. Secondly, I wish to further develop my ability to analyse any given piece of literature. Also, I would like for my consciousness to be raised in hopes of achieving a greater level of thinking. Finally I wish to be successful in completing this course and I would like to gain a lot of knowledge from it. Aside from English class, during this year I will also try to better myself physically and musically(drumming) and I will attempt to look at things in a different perspective.

2. Contributions: What contributions will you make to this class or to the school this year?
To make the rest of the year enjoyable in and out of the classroom I will try to contribute as much as I can. In the classroom I will openly contribute to class discussions and give my two cents worth for the topic at hand. I will always bring a good hard working attitude that is ready to learn. Outside of the classroom, I will keep participating in various sports such as: Rugby and cross-country and I might partake in some clubs offered at the school. Aside from this I will try to make this year enjoyable for myself and those around me.

3. Accountabilities: For what will you be held responsible?
In this class, I believe that the behaviour that I can most be held responsible for is completing all of my work to the best of my ability in hopes of succeeding in this class. Also I can be held responsible for attending class and being punctual as well as coming to class prepared and ready to learn.

4. Supports: What help, and from whom, will you need in order to achieve your accountabilities?
To reach my overall goals in this class I will not only have to work hard myself but I will need to seek assistance and support from those around me. Some people that can help are:
1. Mr Murray: If I am slacking or falling behind I expect Mr. Murray to push me and to kick me in the ass to get back on track.
2. My parents/siblings: they can contribute in helping me succeed by giving me a hand when I need one.
3. My friends: they can help me by supporting me through tough times.
4. Ms. Carr: She can help me if I need any extra input on assignments.

5. Measurements: How will you know what success looks like?
I will know what success looks like when I am content with the work I am handing in. Sometimes its not always about marks, its about seeing a mental improvement (but receiving good grades wouldn’t hurt).

6. Consequences: How should you be rewarded if you succeed? How should you be punished?
If I succeed, I can be rewarded by maybe purchasing something that will make me feel good such as something related to drumming or maybe just having a good time with some of my friends. If I do not succeed I can be punished by removing things that distract me from succeeding such as: video games or spending useless time on the computer.

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